Bharat Reselling | B2B Reseller Online Shopping India


How To Sell

You need just 3 things to sell at Seller

How to sell

At least 1 product to sell

All you need is a minimum of 1 unique product to start selling on

GSTIN details

You are required to furnish the details of your GSTIN to sell your products online.

Bank account details

An active bank account to deposit payments.

Only Indian Make

Once you’re Seller Account Activated

1. Listing your products

Once you have created your Seller Central account, you can make your product available for sale on through the listing process

2. Free OnlyIndianMake Seller Support

Our team will contact you and they will help you to reach your products with millions of customers with onlyindianmake new strategy

3. Delivery Service

As an seller, you need to both store your products and deliver them to your customer. You can choose to take care of this or let do it for you.

Your options are:
  • OnlyIndianMake Shipping Service: You store the products once you received the order OnlyIndianMake will pick up your product from your store/pickup address and delivers it to your customers.
  • Self-Ship: You handle both storage and delivery of products through third-party courier service

4. Get paid for your sales

Once you become OnlyIndianMake an seller, you will begin receiving orders. After your account is verified, your payments for these orders will be deposited in your bank account every 7 days (minus the OnlyIndianMake Fees). You can view your settlements anytime on your Seller Central profile and can contact Seller Support in case of queries.